Describe one theory of attachment, and give two criticisms of the theory.

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Nicola Simms   12E    Vivette Dyer        Psychology


As Psychology end of unit 3.2 assignment

1a) Describe one theory of attachment

Schaffer & Emerson developed the stage theory of attachment.  They measured attachment in infants during different intervals.  They used two methods of measuring this attachment – separation protest and stranger anxiety.  These are both signs that an attachment has formed.  There are three main stages of attachment.  Asocial stage 0-6 weeks, the infant has no attachment.  Indiscriminate attachment 6 weeks – 7 months, the infant seeks attention from different people. Finally, specific attachments which is between 7- 11 months. The infant has a strong attachment to one person.

1b) Give two criticisms of the theory outlined in part (a)

One criticism is that the data in which was collected during the study to get to the theory was recorded from mothers & direct observation.  Therefore the information collected is prone to bias and inaccuracy.

A second criticism is that the theory appears to be correct as the presence of separation and stranger anxiety occurs when a child is faced in the situation.  It shows the infant has formed schemas for known and unknown people and reached an emotional stage development where the unknown creates a fear response.

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1c) ‘Cross cultural research has demonstrated many similarities of attachment style across different cultures.’  To what extent are there cross-cultural variations in attachment?

There are many positive and negative factors that contribute to cross cultural variations in attachment.  The Strange Situation Test used three main ways of measuring attachment separation anxiety, stranger anxiety and re-union with caretaker.  Different cultures vary in attitudes, behaviour and norms as each culture is socially constructed uniquely.  For instance, studies show that 71% of American infants compared to 68% of Japanese infants have secure attachments.  This shows that American infants are provided with ...

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