Describe three debates in development psychology. Nature versus Nurture, Continuity vs. Discontinuity and the Ideographic vs. Nomothetic Approach to Psychology

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Applied Psychology                                                                     Vanessa Addo

Unit 29


Describe three debates in development psychology.

In this assignment, I will be describing three debates in development psychology. I will be doing this by also describing the key aspects of the Nature and Nurture and the different between a nomothetic and idiographic approach to psychology. In addition to this assignment, I will be explaining what is meant by continuity vs. discontinuity hypothesis, giving one example each.

Developmental psychology is a mathematical group within psychology which focuses on the study of behavioural changes. In late centuries, the actual term has been used specifically to refer to the behaviour development of children; however developmental psychologists actually study people of all ages. For example, looking at behaviour from the womb until death, which are sometime influenced by the genetic and environmental factors (Nature and Nurture). “Many researches in this field can apply their skills to the treatment of children with psychological disorders, the study of psychological issues which relates to criminal cases, education etc”.

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Nature verse Nurture

Nowadays, it easily accepted that most aspects of a child’s development are mostly a product of the interaction of both nature and nurture. In both side of the debate nature or nurture present forceful evidences of how each factor impacts development. Nature is known, has genetics. It is the genetic code which we are born with. Genetic is passed on to us from our parents. For example, nature could be eyes colour, hair, and IQ. The subject matter of nature having a great effect on a child’s development can be shown in the study ...

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