discuss into different types of attachment

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Discuss into different types of attachment

There are a few different theories on attachments, for example Bowlby’s, Schaffer and Emission, Ainsworth and finally Van ljzendoorn and Krunanburg’s theories. These theories all have different research methods which ultimately show in different ways that attachments need to be formed with their primary care giver, usually the mother, within a certain sensitive period and if this is either broken or not formed then the child could suffer serious mental health problems.

When Bowlby decided to conduct a research into this attachment theory, he observed a number of children that had experienced early separations from their families; and watched how the children behaved; this led him to his first theory, the maternal deprivation hypothesis. From his research he suggested that a young child should experience a warm, intimate and continuous relationship with the child’s primary care giver. The result if a child is deprived of this type of relationship then the child may suffer long term emotional maladjustment. Bowlby says that an attachment gives us an internal working model, which is a prototype for future relationships, and when the attachment is broken then the child may not be able to form a proper relationship in the future. He also said that the attachment is needed for the promotion of survival; if the child is cared for by parents they can then carry the genes on to the next generation. He believed in Monotropy where the child only forms a strong attachment with one person and this is usually the one who feeds the child and who provides the comfort.

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Another theory is the Shaffer and Emerson’s they did a longitudinal study which was over a 2 year period, they followed 60 infants, the infants were observed every 4 weeks until they were 1 years old and then again at 18 months. The attachment was measured in two ways, separation protest in seven everyday situations and also stranger anxiety. There findings were they found that half of the children showed their first specific attachment between 25 and 32 weeks. Fear of strangers occurred about a month later in all the children. The intensity of attachment peaked in the first month ...

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A shaky start with some confusion about the difference between theory and research. Mainly descriptive with some relevant research quoted - room for development on evaluation. Include the applications of Bowlby's theory in the real world. Proofread! 3*