Discuss the consequences of disrupting biological rhythms

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Discuss the consequences of disrupting biological rhythms.

        Shift work and shift lag are the results of disturbing biological rhythms. Night workers are required to be alert at night and sleep during the day, which is the reverse of our natural rhythms and out of line with most of the cues for zeitgebers. Other consequences include jet lag which results in phase advance and phase delay.

        During shift work, research studies have found that there is a decreased alertness and night workers often experience a circadian ‘trough’ of decreased alertness during their shifts (Boivin et al., 1996).This occurs between midnight, when cortisol levels are lowest and around 4.00am when core body temperature is lowest. However there are other reasons why people experience the circadian ‘trough’, such are as social disruption as well to their biological rhythms; this makes a person’s exogenous zeitgebers out of place which make it harder for a person to sleep in the day making them less alert at night. Soloman, 1993 found that it is difficult to meet friends and spend time with family and divorce rates are as high a 60% among all-night workers.

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        Shift work can lead to sleep deprivation, workers who have to sleep by day often experience sleep problems because when the finish work its daylight and there are other distributions such as noise outside and daylight induces sleep quality as our exogenous zietgebers will try to entrain our circadian rhythm to sleep when its dark. However there is a to ‘cure’ to the effects of shift work. Melatonin is a natural hormone that induces sleep Herxheimer and Petrie (2001) reviewed 10 studies and found that where melatonin has been taken near to sleep , it has been remarkably effective, however ...

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Summary This is a very basic essay about disruption to the bodily rhythms. In order to warrant a higher score, much more detail needs to be added. The writer could, for example, explain in more detail the connection between sleep, light and dark and melatonin etc. They could also go into more detail about sleep deprivation and the stages of sleep. The writer needs to start with a good introduction to the subject explaining what biological rhythms are. The writer could also explain why regular sleep during the night is so important. The main content could include details of the difficulties of shift work, jet lag and sleep disruption/deprivation. Finally a conclusion should weigh up the evidence presented. If the writer takes on board the comments made then this should significantly improve the overall essay score. Score 2*