Discuss the extent to which behavioural therapies may be considered effective in the treatment of abnormal behaviour.

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Discuss the extent to which behavioural therapies may be considered effective in the treatment of abnormal behaviour.

The basic assumption of behavioural therapies is that all behaviour is learned & can be unlearned.  Maladaptive behaviours are the same as any others.  Behaviour is learned through classical conditioning, where a reflex response comes to be associated with a neutral stimulus so that a new stimulus-response link is formed.  An example of this can be seen in the case of Little Albert, studied by Watson & Rayner.  Albert was shown a white rat and had no fear.  Then on several occasions when he was shown the rat he was also exposed to a loud noise which would create an innate fear response.  After a number of trials, the sight of the rat alone made Albert jump & this generalised to other white furry things, such as Watson’s beard.  The experiment was unethical because it caused Albert distress & the experimenters were never able to uncondition him because his mother took him away.  It is not clear how good an explanation of phobias this is because, for example, when people with a phobia of dogs are interviewed they don’t always report a bad experience with a dog.  Perhaps they do not remember it.  In addition, not everyone who is bitten by a dog develops a phobia.

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Nevertheless, the principles of classical conditioning are used successfully to treat many phobias.  In fact, behavioural therapy is one of the few ways to treat phobias.  Systematic desensitisation is a form of classical conditioning where a patient learns to associate the feared thing with a new response, that is, relaxation.  First, the patient learns how to relax.  Next, the patient constructs a hierarchy of fearful things from least to most fearful.  Then the patient is asked to imagine the least fearful thing while relaxing at the same time.  It is not possible to experience 2 conflicting emotions simultaneously, so ...

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