Discuss the role of genes and hormones in Gender Identity Development

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Discuss the role of genes and hormones in Gender Identity Development

The definition of sex and gender according to many biologist and psychologists is different. Sex is known as the biological and physical anatomy of an individual and gender is known as the behaviours, roles and activities an individual labels themselves with within a society.

Humans carry 23 pairs of chromosomes within their genetic make-up and one of these pairs determines the sex of the individual and is known as the sex chromosomes. For females this pair will be identified as XX chromosomes and for males this pair will be identified as XY chromosomes. According to biologists, these chromosomes play a role in the development of gender as these chromosomes play a role in the development of male and female genitals. A gene on male chromosomes known as the SRY gene result in the development of the testes and the absence of the SRY gene result in the development of the ovaries in females. The biological approach believes that the external genitals of an individual play a role in the development of gender by influencing how they identify themselves, for example a female with female genitals will be more caring due to the fact she identifies with the fact she can carry children.
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According to the biological approach to gender development, hormones can also play a role in gender development as during the early stages of prenatal development hormones are produced, and according to this approach these hormones affect gender. Males during prenatal development produce a hormone known as testosterone which has a significant effect on the development of male genitalia. Likewise females during prenatal development produce a hormone known as Oestrogen which has a significant effect on the development of secondary female characteristics such as wide hips and breasts. Due to this effect of hormones, any imbalance of these hormones ...

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