Discussing an extract 'Carries War,' by Nina Bowden.

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Source G is an extract from a novel about evacuees. It is from 'Carries War,' a novel for children written by Nina Bowden in 1973. This extract from a novel is classed as a secondary source, as it was not written during the war. In the source, the host who has agreed to look after 2 evacuated children asks them to change into their slippers. Carrie answers that they haven't got any. The woman assumes that they are to poor to have any, but in fact, the reason that they do not have any is because they were unable to fit them in to their cases as only bare essentials were packed. The novel states that there was not a speck of dust anywhere, and so it suggests that the children were not used to such spotless surroundings. The hosts will have seemed more particular to cleanliness to the children and this may have seemed peculiar to them. In the war, evacuees were not used to rural life and there were poor children moving to wealthier homes. There was a clash between city and country values and people outside the cities, in the countryside learnt how bad the conditions were which encouraged them to evacuate children. However, some people did not want evacuees in their houses.

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The Source has many limitations and questions about its reliability. First of all its a novel which is written to entertain as it need to get published and sold. As the novel is a fiction book written from child’s perspective, I think that the author may have included some fictional devices to boost the novel up, to make it more interesting, exciting and dramatic by exaggeration and bias. The facts would be changed or dramatised as it is not written to educate. Some aspects could be turned down, exaggerated or simplified for children and the use of vocabulary would be ...

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