During the last century women's role in society has changed. Previously once a woman was married her job was to raise children, run the family and look after her husband; women rarely did any paid work.

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During the last century women’s role in society has changed. Previously once a woman was married her job was to raise children, run the family and look after her husband; women rarely did any paid work. Since then women have become more educated and therefore decide whether they want to work, raise a family or both. The option of having a job and running a family is now easier due to better public and private childcare. There are now more jobs available for women due to the shift in employment. As wages rise more women are encouraged to work and those who have taken a career break to have children are tempted back to work

The Law

The Sex Discrimination Act says that it is illegally to treat men and women different in employment and The Equal Pay Act entitles women to receive equal pay to man when they are doing the same or mostly similar work.

However many women are still paid less then their male counter parts. This may be because traditionally employers see women as less reliable than men because of their role as mothers. Women take maternity leave and mothers may take further time off to care for their children if they are ill. Due to this, women feel they fail to gain promotions and other opportunities in the work place


Firstly I will try to find statistics that indicate the number of women in different employment in Britain using the internet and other sources such as the library. This will help to provide a wider view of what is happening in terms of employment of women. I will try to find data that shows the change that had taken place.

I will investigate which factors encourage women to work by questioning about 20 women about their jobs and what motivates them to work. I will take in to account the usage of childcare and the qualifications of the woman. I will try to only ask women who are in some sort of employment, as these people will provide the information I want.

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From 1960 to 2000 the number of women in the work force has increased gradually. This is due to the shift in employment from male to female. Women began to want to work as they became better educated and could choose to have careers. Women have become respected members of the work force.

From 1997 to 2000 the number of women employment has increased by 1.4%. The increase has been largest for women single women with children, from 43.4% to 48.6%. This may be because the government introduced a childcare vouchers scheme (Vouchers ...

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