Explain theConcept of Atypical Behaviour

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There is no single widely accepted definition of atypical behaviour. This is due to the fact that typical or ‘normal’ behaviour varies within cultures. However, there are guidelines for diagnosing atypical behaviour, the most popular of which is DSMIV (Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders), which is published by the American Psychiatric Association. It focuses on the individual’s personal distress and suffering.

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Another classification method is the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) published by the World Health Organisation. It is an official system for coding known diseases into categories that can be identified at an international level. It defines atypical behaviour as “the existence of a clinically recognisable set of symptoms or behaviour associated in most cases with distress and interference with personal functions”. Michael Eysenck (2000) came to the conclusion that both DSM and ICD are “reasonably reliable” despite the fact that many of the symptoms listed are found in much of the population. A reliable diagnosis of atypical behaviour ...

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