Explain two theories of forgetting

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Psychology h/w Mr Edwards 07/11/04

1.Explain two theories of forgetting

Retrieval failure is the failure to find an item of information because we have insufficient clues or cues. The context where initial learning takes place or the mood we were in may act as a cue later. Lack of these cues will lead to greater forgetting.

Interference refers to the tendency for one memory to ‘interfere with’ accurate retrieval of another memory. Proactive interference is when the past material interferes with attempts to learn similar new material, causing us to forget new material. Retroactive interference is when current learning interferes with material already learned, causing is to forget the material already learned.

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In order to prevent forgetting it is important to consider why forgetting occurs

The most frequent reason for forgetting information is difficulty in transferring it from working memory to long-term memory. In addition, we can forget because of an inability to recall information that is in long-term memory.

There are many theories to consider which explain why forgetting occurs, one of them being interference- When something gets in the way of something else. When used in the study of forgetting it refers to the tendency for one memory to ‘interfere with’ the accurate retrieval of another memory. There ...

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