How far is it true that structural sociologists use only quantitative methods while interpretive sociologists use only qualitative methods

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How far is it true that structural sociologists use only quantitative methods while interpretive sociologists use only qualitative methods?

The methods that sociologists use to conduct their research vary and can depend on practical considerations such as suitability of the method, and theoretical considerations such as the sociologist’s theoretical position.

Interpretive sociologists focus on the meanings and definitions which guide and direct behaviour, they claim that understanding human behaviour involves seeing the world through the eyes of those being studied. Structural sociologists can be called positivists. Positivist sociology models itself on the natural sciences such as physics, it is concerned with behaviour that can be directly observed and quantified e.g. the number of visits to the doctors in one year. It attempts to explain human behaviour by discovering cause and effect relationships e.g. Durkheim claimed he had found a causal relationship between social isolation and suicide.

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Interpretivists use a range of research methods. They often use unstructured interviews this is because this type of interview helps them to discover the meanings, attitudes, values and beliefs of the people they are studying giving them rich qualitative data for example Oakley’s research on gender and the domestic division of labour.  However unstructured interviews are more prone to interviewer bias and social desirability effects, both of which reduce validity. Another method favoured by interpretivists is participant observation this is because it gives them the opportunity to see the world from the point of view of those being observed ...

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