How has ICT helped People with Autism

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How has ICT helped People with Autism

Autism is a “brain disorder that begins in early childhood and persists throughout adulthood”, [1] autism is a disease that affects three areas of a child’s development. They are social interaction, communication and creative or imaginative play. Now teachers, parents, carers and computer companies have realized how much progress a child with autism can make using a computer.

Autism affects “115,000 families in the UK” [2], all these families have had to find special schools and items to help their child to deal with this problem. These schools will be more populated by boys as autism, “affects four times as many boys as girls” [3]. Autism affects all races and nationalities so it has nothing to do with where you live or what colour skin you have. It is a disease to do with the brain. It interferes with the way the brain develops social and communication skills. Autism can come in many shapes and forms.

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Computer companies have made software to help young children that have autism. These pieces of software are mainly used in autistic schools but can also be used at home. The programs concentrate on basic computer skills that all children learn with the aid of a computer. The TreeHouse School is one especially for children with Autism and was started in 1997. In each classroom around the school there is a computer that every child makes use of. The child will use the computer with help if they have to or they can use it alone. The programmes created by ...

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