Interpersonal perceptions.

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Interpersonal perceptions

Implicit personality theories is describing how we place personalities together, for example if we described someone as “warm” it could also be said they were “friendly” and “funny”. As in “asch’s study” he found that people who were described warm, were more likely to have other positive attributes.

The primacy effect is information we receive first, and is generally regarded most important. As in “luchin’s study” he produced a study about a boy named Jim in a two short paragraph story, in the first paragraph he was described as being friendly and in the next he was being describe as a loner. From the results that showed that 95% people rated Jim as friendly only based upon the first paragraph, so it was concluded that first impressions have the greatest impact.

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 The recency effect is information we later learn, the longer it is left between the primary and recency effect the more likely the primary effect will not have the greatest influence.

Central traits are descriptions that alter people’s impressions very strongly; where as peripheral traits are impressions which we regard as being less important in making our decisions in what we see in people. For example, “the halo effect” when we describe a woman as being always on time, we can interpret that she is positive and enthusiastic and all things she does is positive.

 Luchins study ...

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