investigating levels of majority influence

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Violet J. Lule 13EVE

Psychology C/W

Investigating Levels of Majority Influence in Different Genders


An investigation into the effects of majority influence in different genders was carried out. In the investigation participants were shown images popularly regarded as disgusting and then were drawn into discussion regarding these items. Male and females responses were recorded and compared with in terms of conformity. The results were statistically significant; x2 = 23.7, p<o.o5. The implications of this investigation are that in modern day society males are less influenced to conform than women. Also that women are more likely to conform perhaps due to peer pressure and not wanting to be ‘the odd one out’. Further could investigate the levels of conformity within a variety of ages, between males and females; since the study only focused on a fixed age group.


This investigation will focus on the effects of gender differences in majority influences. Majority influence (social influence) is a ‘process by which a person’s attitudes, beliefs or behaviours are modified by the presence or actions of others’. The aim of the investigation was to see whether or not there would be a higher score of majority influence in males or females. Also not a lot of research has been put on this study, although previous research, done by Zimbardo and Leippe (1991), had shown that women conform more than men. This could be due to peer pressure with friends and also women feeling too insecure to give out their true opinion on things. Also if the women participants in Zimbardo and Leippe’s study were put in a certain situation and chose answers that nobody else agreed with this could leave them feeling very embarrassed and seen as the ‘individual’. Another reason could be perhaps to with men and women having different social roles, for example, in today’s society men are encouraged to be independent whereas women are encouraged to be passive (Connell, 1985). However studies by Maslach et al. (1987) showed that ‘men and women conform equally according to their gender qualities, such as women with masculine qualities and men to feminine qualities’. This could possibly show that Zimbardo and Leippe (1991) did not consider different personality traits of men and women. Also this type of study (into gender differences in majority influence) has not been done recently in an inner London school. So that means that the results will most likely be different to Maslach et al. And Zimbardo and Leippe’s results since their investigations took place in a different setting and it was done over 10 years ago, so it will be difficult to generalize their results to the results that we obtain. Furthermore this investigation focused on teenage participants and it has been found that a teenage sample population is unpredictable since it has been claimed that teenagers go through a phase of having an ‘identity crisis’. This is to do with teenagers being confused of who they are and what they want to do in the future (Erikson, 1968). So in summary, existing research has shown that there is no sufficient evidence to suggest whether or not men do conform more than women or women conform more than men. This investigation is intended to add to existing research in this area by focusing on the levels of majority influence between the genders when using the ‘disgusting’ pictures on the computer.


Experimental Hypothesis: There will be a significant difference between the number of males and females who conform in a staged discussion.

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The hypothesis will be non-directional because previous research has shown that the direction of the outcome cannot be predicted.


Independent Variable: The gender of the participants.

Dependent Variable: The conformity levels recorded.


This experiment was carried out using a laboratory method. This method was appropriate because it is easier to isolate the variables and it also makes controlling variable easier too thus increasing internal validity.

Materials Used:

The materials used were samples of images that would be used for the participants to rate how ‘disgusting’ they thought the pictures was. Examples of the images of the ‘disgusting’ pictures used ...

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