Investigation into Gender Differences in Paranormal Beliefs within Society: Introduction

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     The late astronomer Carl Sagan once commented that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence (Sagan, 1980). Claims of paranormal phenomena are most certainly claims of an extraordinary nature, and the task of obtaining this extraordinary evidence is the job of the parapsychologist. According to the Journal of Parapsychology, the term paranormal describes “any phenomenon that in one or more respects exceeds what is deemed psychically impossible according to current scientific assumptions”. The term encompasses such anomalous phenomena such as telepathy (the transfer of information between individuals by means other than known sensory channels), extra-sensory perception (the acquisition of information by means other than the known physical senses or deductions from past experience), ghosts and astrology amongst others. Such beliefs are incredibly prevalent in today’s society, to an extent out of proportion with the evidence for such phenomena.

     Approximately 86% ('Worldwide Adherents of All Religions, Mid-2005', Encyclopædia Britannica) of the 6.7 billion human beings on this planet collectively share and rejoice in different sets of paranormal belief systems, even though they are not traditionally considered as such due to the extent to which they are woven into the fabric of human nature. Adherents to these belief systems believe that humans in the past were capable of performing acts which defy that defy the laws of physics, disagree with scientific theories supported by mountains of evidence when they contradict their bronze-age-tomes and in many cases belief in concepts such as afterlife, reincarnation, clairvoyance, ESP, telepathy and psychokinesis are required. If one is to apply the definition rigidly, putting aside for a moment the usual reverence and respect we reserve for the subject, then paranormal beliefs are a prerequisite for religious belief. Hence religious belief can be viewed as the most popular paranormal belief set on Earth. The ubiquity of these beliefs is rather peculiar when one takes into account that all of the above paranormal phenomena have the habit of disappearing when tested under controlled laboratory conditions or else lack falsifiability to begin with.

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     That is why no one has yet won the one million dollar prize offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation, offered to anyone who can demonstrate paranormal ability under agreed-upon scientific testing criteria. Thousands of fraudsters and charlatans have taken James Randi up on this challenge, and each time their “paranormal” abilities have mysteriously vanished and been exposed for what they really were; mere trickery.

     However, there are some experiments that have yielded positive results for the existence of paranormal phenomena. In the 1930’s, the Rhines conducted a series of telepathy experiments in which a receiver ...

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Summary As an introduction to this particular topic the writer has included quite a lot of valuable information. A little more time however, needs to be spent of defining the paranormal with some historical references too. How religion is viewed should also be included. It would also be helpful to start by explaining the general consensus, if there is one, with regard gender differences and paranormal beliefs. Rating 3*