Jean Piaget - (1896-1980)

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Jean Piaget – (1896-1980)

  • He was famous for working out a universal sequence of stages of cognitive development

  • Notable for his idea that children (and adults) are continually generating theories about the external world

  • He set out stages for when certain new aspects of generating theories;

  1. Sensorimotor stage: which occurs from birth to age two (Children experience through their senses)

  1. Preoperational stage: which occurs from ages two to seven (motor skills are acquired)

  1. Concrete operational stage: which occurs from ages seven to eleven (children think logically about concrete events)
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  1. Formal Operational stage: which occurs after age eleven (abstract reasoning is developed here).

Sensorimotor stage

  • The child in this stage explores the world with their senses, rather than through mental operations
  • This stage marks the development of essential spatial abilities and understanding of the world in six sub stages. Reflexes, habits, coordination between vision and prehension, development of logic, new means to meet goals, and the passage into unique thought

Preoperational stage

  • In this stage, symbolic functioning occurs, along with concentration, intuitive thought, Egocentrism, and inability to conserve.
  • Towards ...

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