Learning in the Early Years

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Learning in the Early Years


The learning opportunities for children across the curriculum:-

Birth to Three Matters 0-3 years

Foundation Stage 3-5 years

National Curriculum 6-11 years


The curriculum framework is to provide support, information, guidance for the practioners who have the responsibility for the care and education of babies and children birth to 3 years.

The framework values and celebrates babies and children. It recognises their individuality, efforts and achievements and recognises that all children from birth need to develop, learn through interaction with people and to explore the world around them .

The framework focuses on THE CHILD, rather than the subjects, specific areas of experience and distinct curriculum headings. i.e. Geography, History, RE etc.

The framework is sectioned in 4 ASPECTS and bases this on the skill, competence and highlights the interrelationships between growth, learning, development and the environment, in which they are cared for and educated.

The 4 aspects are:-

A strong child

A skilful communicator

A healthy child

In each aspect it is divided into 4 COMPONENTS

The components of a strong child are:-

* Me, Myself and I - is about helping young children to know themselves and their own capabilities.

* Being acknowledged and affirmed - by important people in their lives, leading children to gain confidence and inner strength.

* Developing self-assurance - exploration with close relationships leads to the growth of self assurance, promoting a sense of thinking.
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The components of a skilful communicator are:-

* Being together - leads to the wider development of social relations which include friendship, empathy, showing emotions and experiences and becoming a competent language communicator.

* Finding a voice - increases confidence and encourages children both to extend their range and increase their skills.

* Listening and responding - they start to learn about conversation, this requires listening and responding approximately, understanding the importance of paying attention, to sounds and language, interpreting, imitating, repeating and mirroring others.

* Making meaning - they learn the 'rules' of ...

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