Marketing to Children

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Marketing to Children

The ancient Code of Hammurabi banned sales to or purchases from a minor without a contract and witnesses, making such an act punishable by death (Duhaime 2003). Today's society rarely questions the ethics of advertising and selling to minors, and marketers are no longer considered thieves for their actions. Advertising surrounds children and encourages them to consume today on television, in magazines, at the movies, on the Internet and on billboards. And consume they do. Marketing influences children's habits and attitudes and there are great consequences that come with this amount power over them. Specifically this paper will discuss how marketers influence children from a young age, the techniques that marketers use to do so, and the consequences. Through the use of statistics and thorough research it will be proven that children at a young age are without a doubt quickly turned into consumers.

The federal government, the federal courts, and individual citizens have taken a growing interest in the ethics of marketing to minors in recent years. Marketers have become interested in the powerful under eighteen market. According to Teenage Research Unlimited, teenagers spent over one hundred and seventy two billion dollars in 2001, up from one hundred billion dollars in 1995 (Choi 2003). According to Teenage Research Unlimited, the typical teenager spent over one hundred dollars a week, and directly or indirectly accounted for nearly one-third of all retail sales. With runaway growth in spending, minors have grown not only into an important, leading consumer group but also the world's most targeted individuals for marketing purposes (Choi, 2003).

Marketing to minors raises significant moral issues, since many researchers (and marketers) believe that minors are more impressionable than adults. Many marketers view children as an important economic group to be used to fuel sales growth. Marketers increasingly target children because of the amount of money they spend themselves, the influence they have on their parents spending and because of the money they will spend when they grow up (Aidman, p.53). Increasingly, the public sees pervasive advertising as a form of exploitation. This ongoing debate sparks strong appeals from both sides, and leaves marketers and parents with moral dilemmas.

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Influence from a Young Age

Even at the age of one or two, children find themselves in a "culturally defined observation post high atop a shopping cart" seeing for the first time "the wonderland of marketing" (McNeal, p.23). Children as young as three years old can express brand awareness and make the connection between what they see on television and what appears on store shelves. Studies show that nearly three quarters of four year olds "often or almost always" ask for a specific brand (Fischer et al, p.89). McNeal  says that this stage marks the beginning for marketers, "for it ...

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