Multi Store Memory Model

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Wednesday 02 February 2011

Multi-Store Memory


  • 3 Components: Sensory, Short Term Memory, Long Term Memory
  • Capacity, duration, encoding, chunking
  • Rehearsal
  • Forgetting all three stores
  • Based on computer programming


  • Brain damage studies supporting evidence – KF/HM (Lost one store have retained the other)
  • Generalising from small sample
  • Serial Position Curve: Recency, Primacy
  • Too simplistic
  • Doesn’t explain chunking
  • Lab based experiments

There are three components to the multi-store memory, they are: Sensory, Short Term Memory and Long Term Memory, there are three main categories to each component: The capacity, the duration and encoding, the capacity is how much memory a component can store, the sensory memory can store around 12 items, the short term between 7 +/- 2 chunks and ones long term memory has potential to hold an infinite amount of memory.

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The next category is the duration; this is the length of time that a memory can be held, for the sensory memory the duration is anything between 500miliseconds to 2seconds, the duration for ones short term memory it is up to 18seconds, and the duration for ones long term memory can potentially be a life time.

Finally there is encoding, this is how the input is represented, for the short term memory this is done acoustically, whereas for ones long term memory encoding is carried out semantically.

For a person to purposely move a memory from short ...

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