Myths and misperceptions about bullying - Overcoming stereotypes and false perceptions of bullying.

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Myths and misperceptions about bullying
Overcoming stereotypes and false perceptions of bullying

There's no bullying here

It's in schools which say "there's no bullying here" that you are most likely to find bullying. Bullying happens in every school; good schools are proactive in their approach and deal with it promptly, firmly and fairly.

 Bad schools deny it, ignore it, justify it, rationalise it, handle it inappropriately, sweep it under the carpet, blame the victim of bullying, blame the parents of the victim of bullying, make lots of impressive noises but take no substantive action. Bad schools (through their local authority or board) spend large sums of taxpayer's money on expensive barristers to fend off legal actions for their negligence.

In most schools which claim "there's no bullying here", the primary objective is to protect the school against bad publicity and to divert attention away from the fact that the head teacher does not have control of discipline and is themselves a poor teacher.

Ignore it

Never ignore bullying; bullies use provocation to get a response out of their target and if you ignore it the provocation will get worse. When people say "ignore it" they mean "don't engage and don't respond".

When bullying starts, recognise it immediately, keep a log of events, do your research, and get your parents and teachers involved. Be persistent. You have a right not to be bullied, harassed, assaulted or abused.

Stand up for yourself

Funny how people who simply say "stand up for yourself" never, ever, tell you how to stand up for yourself.

Even adults find it difficult to defend themselves against the onslaught of bullies, especially a serial bully.

Victims of bullying don't know how to defend themselves verbally or physically

Society, parents and schools do not teach children the skills of physical, emotional and verbal self-defence. This is because most adults don't know how to do this.

Victims of bullying become too flustered to deflect bullies with humour

Laughing at a mugger, rapist or paedophile will not deflect the actions of the mugger, rapist or paedophile. They might kill you for laughing at them though. A bully might kill you too, as Damilola Taylor found out.

Bullies torment their prey for months, often years, and what appears like passiveness and fluster are more likely to be the outward signs of fear (of more violence), terror (of more violence), bewilderment (why me? [because you're available]), confusion (why don't the responsible adults fulfil their legal obligation of duty of care?) and trauma (cumulative psychiatric injury).

Bullies are possessed of a verbal facility which is mistaken for intelligence but it's more about plausible lying, deception, cunning, superficial charm and a Teflon-like ability to evade accountability.

Child bullies are adept at manipulating the perceptions of adults, especially the less capable adults.

Victims of bullying typically do not retaliate

Children have it drummed into them from the moment they are born that they must not hit, punch, kick, bite, scratch, pull, push, poke or use any form of physical violence.

Children are often punished - sometimes brutally and humiliatingly - for exhibiting any form of violent behaviour.

Some adults then criticise children for not using violence when faced with a thug. Child targets of bullying also know (better than adults) that if they retaliate physically, the bully will feign victimhood (often with a convincing flood of tears) and the responsible adults will be fooled into believing that the target is the bully and the bully is the target.

The (real) target is then punished by the adults whilst the bully looks on, enjoying every moment. Once the adults turn their backs, the bully starts on their target again. Targets are also people with high moral integrity, a well-developed sense of moral values, and a clear understanding of the need to resolve conflict with dialogue. This is how we teach children to behave and how society demands that children behave. We should therefore not be surprised when targets of bullying display their maturity by going to great lengths to resolve the violent acts committed towards them with dialogue rather than with fists or feet. Trying to resolving conflict with dialogue is a hallmark of integrity and strength of character. Bullying is a hallmark of lack of integrity and weakness of character.

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Bullying toughens you up

Bullying is in the same league as harassment, discrimination, racism, violence, assault, stalking, physical abuse, sexual abuse, molestation and rape. It causes trauma and psychiatric injury and can, if untreated, cause a psychiatric injury of sufficient seriousness to blight a person for life, causing a poorer standard of health and preventing them realising their potential. The symptoms of psychiatric injury caused by bullying are consistent with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Bullying is a rite of passage we all have to go through

Some people claim that harassment, ...

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