Outline and discuss persuasion techniques used within the courtroom

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The aim of this paper is to outline and discuss persuasion techniques used within the courtroom. The courtroom has been one of psychologists’ most preferred places when researching the different aspects of criminal psychology. Three pieces of work will be examined and evaluated.

The first piece of evidence is by Foley, L.A & Pigott, M.A who conducted an experiment in 2000 called “Belief in a just world and jury decisions in a civil rape trial”. The main aim of the study was to see how much rape victims would be held responsible for the harm done to them and how much compensation they would receive for damages, taking into account that this is a just world.

This was done by testing two hypotheses:                                                    Hypothesis 1:  younger plaintiffs and older plaintiffs will be held equally responsible for rape.

Hypothesis 2:  Older women will be awarded more compensation than younger women.

The independent variable was the age of the rape victim, the dependant variables were the percentage of responsibility attributed to the victim and the amount of compensation they received. The participants were split into two groups: 47 psychology students (37 females and 10 males with a mean age of 20.3 years) and 59 jury eligible residents of the same state (21 males, 38 females, with a mean age of 48.5 years). The participants were given an account of the situation in which the rape occurred and were shown two different photographs of the victim showing her to be young and then old.

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The results showed that hypothesis 1 was accepted. The second hypothesis was also accepted, the older woman was awarded significantly higher compensation than the younger woman.    

So, these just world hypotheses were a considerable amount of support and the reasons being for this support could have been either that the participants felt that the older woman would have been more psychologically damaged or sustained more physical injuries than the younger woman. However, some might disagree and say that the younger woman will live for much longer than the older woman and therefore would suffer the consequences ...

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