Outline and evaluate attempts to define abnormality

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Outline and evaluate attempts to define abnormality

Before psychologists can address an issue they have to name it, characterize it or be clear on what exactly it is that they’re dealing with. When it comes to ‘abnormalities’, psychologists have been quite indecisive throughout history, as it is subjective to judgement, however it seems that a combination of characteristics and taking into consideration differences of situations, brings it a step closer to forming a true definition of the term ‘abnormality’.  

One of the attempts to define and thereby recognize and treat abnormality is looking for ‘deviation from social norms’, meaning someone who doesn’t follow the set standard behaviour that is socially and morally acceptable by society. Even though this definition allows quick diagnosis, it varies according to time in history, context or circumstance and degree of deviation. Therefore identification of abnormal behaviour using this classification is not always accurate and this may lead to wrong treatment.

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A more extreme but somewhat more realistic and practical explanation is that ‘failing to function adequately’, as in not being adaptive or being unable to cope with the state of affairs. However, this approach to defining abnormality has also been criticised as it depends on subjective assessments, is effected by cultural relativism and it doesn’t really differentiate abnormal behaviour from behaviour that is non-conformist, unconventional or just plain eccentric.

Marie Jahoda (1958) suggested another definition which is that by looking for a lack of or a deviation from ideal mental health, which will highlight those who need treatment. According ...

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