Outline and evaluate psychological therapies for schizophrenia

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Outline and evaluate psychological therapies for schizophrenia

The underlying idea of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is that people with mental disordesr have irrational and distorted ways of thinking. The goal of CBT is to provide an alternative to the often bizarre psychotic thoughts and feelings that the person with schizophrenia experiences. Although there are several forms of CBT, all have the aim of modifying hallucinations and delusional beliefs. CBT attempts to challenge (and to reality test) the client’s interpretation of their hallucinations and to propose alternative explanations.

One form of CBT is called Coping Strategy Enhacement (CSE). One of the ideas behind this approach is the finding that the majority of people who experience delusions and/or hallucinations report using coping strategies (Tarrier 1987). Such strategies include drowning-out voices by turning up the television set, use of distraction, withdrawal from social contact and self-talk. CSE aims to develop the client’s coping strategies in order to reduce the frequency, duration and intensity of the psychotic symptoms. The therapist and client work together to improve the effectiveness of the client’s coping strategies, and to identify additional strategies. The strategy is practised during the therapy session and the client is then given homework to ensure continued practise.

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Zimmerman et al (2005) found that CBT was more effective in treating the positive symptoms than having no treatment.

Tarrier (2005) reviewed 20 studies and concluded that there was consistent evidence that CBT reduces positive symptoms in the short-term.

In a review of the overall benefits of CBT Kopelowicz & Liberman (1998) found that CBT moderately improved the symptoms of schizophrenia in 50% to 60% of sufferers, but only when it was used in conjunction with drug therapy.

However, other studies have found no benefits for CBT a year after treatment was stopped. It is not clear whether CBT is ...

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