Outline and evaluate research into the effects of institutionalisation.

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Outline and evaluate research into the effects of institutionalisation.

Hodges and Tizard researched institutionalisation by studying 65 infants who had been placed in an institution when they were less than 4 months old. By the age of 4, 24 infants had been adopted, 15 had been returned to their original homes, and the rest remained in the institution. They found that the children who had been adopted had good family relations and close attachments to their parents, however the restored children had poor relationships with their parents. A similarity between the groups was that they both had poor peer relationships. The results showed that recovery is possible in the right circumstances and care. As the study was a longitudinal study, it allowed the researchers to see what long term effects institutionalisation had on the children. A weakness of this study was that there was a lack of control of variables therefore there could be other factors that had an effect on the results. Also, the method of collecting data was interviews but a problem with this is demand characteristics and it would be difficult to tell whether the children and parents are being honest.

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Quinton carried out a study on women who were raised in institutions as children and found that they had difficulties when they became parents. They were less sensitive and caring towards their children. This study shows how institutionalisation can still have an effect on people when they are adults.

Rutter studied 111 Romanian orphans who had spent their early lives in extreme privation in Romania before being adopted by British families. He found that those who were adopted before the age of 6 months showed normal levels of development. Those who were adopted after the 6 months showed ...

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