Outline and evaluate research into types of attachment

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Outline and evaluate research into types of attachment

The “strange situation” by Ainsworth and Bell remains at the forefront of research into attachment types. Set up in 1970, the aim of the case study was to investigate a child’s attachment with their caregiver. During the experiment, Ainsworth was observing 4 measures of attachment behaviour. These were stranger anxiety, reunion behaviour, separation protest and willingness to explore.

The procedure of the strange situation was to have children aged 12-18 months in a room without their caregiver. The first stage is for the child to be playing with toys whilst the mother is present. A stranger then enters the room and the caregiver walks out, leaving the mother to try and comfort the baby. The mother then returns, and the stranger leaves. The mother then comforts the child before walking out again. The child is then left alone for 3 minutes, before the stranger enters and interacts with it. Eventually, the caregiver enters, picks up the child and the stranger leaves. All the while, Ainsworth was observing the four measures of attachment behaviour and linking them to what she observed during the experiment.

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In conclusion, the results of the experiment were that 3 main attachment types were identified. 70% of the children were categorized as having secure attachment, 15% as having an insecure-resistant attachment and the final 15% as having an insecure-avoidant attachment. Ainsworth defined a secure attachment as when the child was willing to explore from a safe base, had high stranger anxiety when the caregiver was not around, was distressed when mother left and was positive and happy upon her return. Insecure avoidant attachment is where the child was willing to explore, had low stranger anxiety, was indifferent to separation ...

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