Outline and evaluate the multi store model of memory.

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Outline and Evaluate the Multi-Store Model

The idea of a multi-store memory, was discovered by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968, and argues that memory can be divided into three separate structures; Sensory memory, Short-term memory and Long-term memory. Information is thought to enter the memory system through the Sensory memory, and then passed on to the Short Term memory when attention is paid to it. If this information is thought about and rehearsed in the Short Term memory it is passed to the Long-Term Memory to help interpret information in Short Term Memory. The Sensory Memory, which is uses visual, auditory and tactile encoding, has a limited capacity however, and a brief duration, so for information to be useful, it has to be passed on to Short Term memory. The Short Term Memory uses mainly acoustic encoding, has a limited capacity and also, a brief duration, so for us to recall information for longer durations, it must be rehearsed and passed to the Long Term Memory. The Long Term Memory has a mainly semantic coding, an unlimited capacity, and an unlimited duration.

     There is much evidence to support the multi-store memory model. Clive Wearing, suffered a herpes virus which spread to his brain, destroying his hippocampus in particular as well as areas of his cortex. This meant he could not transfer information from his short term memory to long term memory. He has also lost large amounts of his episodic long term memory, so he finds it difficult to remember specific events. Although, he has all his motor skills and some factual knowledge from before his illness, he has little else. This case study is so important as it suggests that there must be separate Short term and long term memory stores since there clearly has to be some transfer mechanism between the two. It also suggests that the transfer process is located in the hippocampus. However, although this case study supports the Multi-model store idea, and has much mundane realism, it is dangerous to generalise from one study to be others, and because this is a retrospective study, researchers tend to only notice information which fits their theories.

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      More evidence to support the multi-store model can be seen by the serial position curve experiment, by Glanzer and Cunitz. The experiment produces the primary effect, where many words are recalled from the beginning of the list, and the recency effect, where many words are also recalled from the end of the list, but not so many from the middle. This study also shows that there are separate short term and long term memory stores since the primary effect occurs because the words at the beginning of the list have been rehearsed, and so are transferred into ...

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