Outline one explanation of forgetting in long-term memory (LTM) and give one criticism of this explanation.

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Cognitive Psychology

a) Outline one explanation of forgetting in long-term memory (LTM) and give one criticism of this explanation. (3 marks + 3 marks)

There are two reason as to why forgetting in long-term memory may occur, these are: the interference theory and the retrieval failure theory. The interference theory works in two parts, these are proactive (this is where earlier memories disrupt later ones) and retroactive (this is later memories disrupt earlier memories). One criticism of the interference theory is that most of the research into the interference theory has come from laboratory experiments and therefore lack external validity.

b) Describe the procedures of one study by Loftus of eyewitness testimony and give one criticism of this study. (3 marks + 3 marks)

One study on eyewitness testimony was based on the effects of language on recall, this was studies by Loftus and Palmer (1974). They showed a number of participant a video of a road accident, involving a number of cars, they where asked to describe what had happened after the video, they were also asked a number of question, of which one word was changed, for example, when the word smashed was used to describe the impact of the cars, the speed the participant thought they were going increased, when the word bumped was used the speed was slower. One criticism of this study s that it lacked external validity as they recall of a real life car crash would be more realistic than watching a video in an artificial setting.
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c) Outline and evaluate research (theories and/or studies) into the nature of short-term memory (e.g. encoding, capacity, duration). (18 marks)

Encoding is the way in which you try to remember something, in short-term memory this can be: a visual representation, a semantic representation or an acoustic representation. One study into encoding was that of Conrad (1964). Conrad studied acoustic encoding. In this experiment participants were shown a combination of 6 letter at a time for around a second, they then had to write these down. There was a number of simple errors with this, B and P ...

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