PETER PAN As the wind whistles round the buildings that tower the small streets of London, Big Ben proudly chimes the eleventh hour

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Abi Howland 10G - English, Miss Holmes


As the wind whistles round the buildings that tower the small streets of London, Big Ben proudly chimes the eleventh hour. Darkness had come hours ago, bringing soft snow with it. It is like the city of London is something out of a fairytale, as it is covered in a sheet of white. The moon stands out brightly in the deep blue sky, a silver ball of light watching the world, waiting for something to happen, waiting for a new adventure to start.

It was tonight that the moon would get its wish, for as Big Ben chimed for the eleventh and final time; a man-shaped shape cast a shadow across the moon. In fact it was not a man, but a boy. One of the most famous boys that ever lived, a boy whose name is known by every child ever born, a boy that can fly and lives for adventure. A boy that will forever be, a boy. A boy, a magical boy, a boy named Peter Pan.

Peter flew gracefully over the city of London, looking this way and that, searching for something that only he knew. His bright blue eyes shining with excitement and joy. As he approached east London, he slowed down and looked even more carefully at the details of the streets and the houses. All the time he was silently followed by a bright light, as though a star was flying alongside him. This light was in fact a fairy. One of the few fairies left in the world of men. Normal children do not believe in their existence any more, but Peter had always believed in fairies, he had always believed that a fairy is all a boy needs, a companion and a friend. Mothers and fathers are unnecessary, they are the ones that force children to grow up, to become men and women, rather than stay children forever. Peter's fairy is called Tinkerball, he had been his best friend and companion since he first arrived in Neverland. More like a brother, always there, always around.

He arrived at his destination and hovered outside the open window. He had been here many times before, but this time was different, this time he had a purpose for being there. His shadow was in there somewhere. The last time he had been there his shadow got caught on the inside when the maid shut the window. Now he was here to retrieve it.

He pulled aside the curtain and stepped into the room. It was dimly lit with night lights by the side of each of the three peacefully sleeping children in the room. They were the children of George and Mary Darling. Their parents were quite posh speaking people, very proper in the way things are done. But the children however, loved being childish and playing make believe. They all loved fairy stories and making up their own. They each had their favourites. Wendy, the eldest, and only girl, loved stories with princesses and mermaids. But John, the middle child, loved Indians and found them fascinating. Michael, the youngest by a few years, loved pirates. He loved sword fighting and Wendy and John had taught him well during their pirate sessions held in the nursery.

Peter watched them all for a second, wondering exactly what their life was like. Whether or not it really was as bad as he had always thought, having a mother that was always there for you. When you were ill or upset or hurt, there to give you advice when needed. But he quickly snapped out of his daydreams, and set to work finding his shadow. He sent Tink to the drawers and wardrobe, while he checked under the beds. That was where he found it. He quickly snatched it up and attempted to reattach it by using soap. He became really frustrated and threw them down to the floor. Peter held his head in his hands and wept. The sound of soft crying awoke Wendy from her dreams.

"Why are you crying?" she asked curiously.

"I wasn't crying" he replied, he had never cried in his life in his mind, and he wasn't going to admit anything now, not to this girl.

"Who are you?"

"I am Peter Pan. Who are you?" he said pointedly.

"I thought you were. I am Wendy Moira Angela Darling. But you can call me Wendy"

Peter bowed to Wendy as he told her he was pleased to have met her. He asked her whether or not she knew of a way of fixing his shadow back on. So Wendy, fascinated by this boy's lack of clothing, cleanliness and manners agreed to sew it back on for him. As she did, he watched her with awe. He had never met a girl before. She was beautiful in his eyes and she told magnificent stories as she sewed on his shadow. She was perfect.
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Just as Wendy finished sewing on Peter' shadow, she asked Peter what it was like in Neverland. She had heard all the stories, and was very curious as to why he was here, in her room. He told her of the beautiful mountains and beach. The pirates, the mermaids, the forest and the Indians. To thank her for sewing on his shadow he gave her an acorn button off his belt. She felt special and hung it on the chain around her neck.

"I will keep it safe forever Peter." He took this as an invitation to ...

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