Laura Henderson


Pilliavin Essay

Pilliavin wanted to research into diffusion of responsibility in the real world and whether it actually occurred. In order to do this she carried out a field experiment on the New York subway.

(i)The experiment was carried out by teams of 4 students on a 7-8min journey on the subway. The team consisted of a victim, a model and 2 observers. The female observers and the model and victim would both get would enter the train via different doors, the observers would sit somewhere in the adjacent area and the model would be in either critical or adjacent, depending on which was chosen.

30 seconds after entering the train carriage the victim would fall in the critical area of the carriage and could be in one of 2 states:

  • Cane trial - The victim carried a cane, as if he was ill or disabled.
  • Drunk trial - The victim was sprayed with and so smelt of alcohol and was carrying a brown paper bag, with a bottle in.

The victim would then lie where he had fallen until he was helped up either by a member of the public or the model.

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The model also had 2 conditions in which he could be in:

  • Early condition - help after 70 seconds after the collapse  
  • Late condition - help 150 seconds after collapse.

The 2 observers recorded all this information, as well as the sex and race of the of everyone in the critical area, the time it took for someone to help and how many others helped after the first person had had started helping.

This was repeated by the teams about 6-8 times per day and a total of 103 trials were carried out.

(ii)There are ...

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