Playgroups support and offer valuable opportunities for parents to meet and share their experiences and for children to play and socialise.

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Playgroups support and offer valuable opportunities for parents to meet and share their experiences and for children to play and socialise.

They are coordinated by qualified community workers who give parenting tips and advice and provide information about other community services for families. Expert guest speakers are invited to talk about topics related to parenting or childhood development.

Parents are encouraged to become involved in planning and running playgroup activities.

Playgroups provide a range of learning experiences to stimulate children's intellectual growth. They learn about interactions with other children and can develop their communication skills.

The community workers can help parents with behaviour-management techniques,

provide information for parents about topics such as child development, health, hygiene and child safety.

They can also help with developing social networks for parents, and identify developmental problems and refer families to relevant services.


Supported playgroups bring a number of benefits to the communities in which they operate and to the people who take part. These benefits are

• improved parental self-esteem

• increased satisfaction with the parenting role

• improved parent-child interactions
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• improved or expanded social networks

• improved child nutrition and safety,

• improved knowledge of child development and parenting techniques.

Toy library

This is a service that lends toys, games, puzzles and educational aids to families.

The items from the toy libraries must be returned at a certain time. At some toy libraries, children are allowed to attend the library to play with the toys there.

Leisure library - this provides play materials for adults, especially for disabled adults and families from disadvantaged backgrounds, who have not known the joy of ...

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