Psychology - Milgram's study was carried out was the horrifying events of the Second World War.

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The context against which Milgram’s study was carried out was the horrifying events of the Second World War and in particular the slaughtering of the millions of Jews and homosexuals by the Nazi Germans under the authority of Hitler. Many of these Nazis were put on trial and their defence was that they were following orders. But, their defence was rejected, and many were hanged. People believed their cruel behaviour was part of their German character. Milgram was keen to find out why the Germans were particularly obedient and questioned the idea that it was their German character but rather the situation. This prompted Milgram to conduct an experiment to test the effect social pressure has on obedience, where social pressure is how others influence a person’s actions and obedience is whether a person will follow the demands of authority.    

One of the main strengths of the way in which the study was carried out in relation to its context was the recreation of a situation realistic to the context of the experiment. This ensured the validity of the results because by putting the subjects in a similar situation, Milgram would be able to draw a valid conclusion on whether the American subjects would have reacted in the same way as the Germans had done. One of the ways Milgram achieved this realistic setting is by convincing the subjects they really would be hurting the innocent-looking victim using a very authentic shock generator, giving the subject a real sample shock, using a confederate as the victim, and having a stern looking experimenter as the authoritarian figure. Also all the subjects were male which was representative of the target population i.e. the war criminals, who were mostly men.

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Another strength of the experiment was the fact that there was no actual physical harm brought to the victim, who was a confederate and no psychological harm to the subjects. This is shown by the fact that the subjects were given various psychometric measures to check if they were alright, a follow up survey showed the majority were glad to have been in the experiment and an examination of the subjects by a psychiatrist a year later showed there were no signs of long term harm.

One of the weaknesses of the experiment was that the experiment did ...

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