Relationships in different cultures

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Relationships in different Cultures

A clear difference between Western and a non-western culture is that Western cultures have large urban centre and a high social and geographical mobility. This means that the voluntarily come into contact with a large number of strangers, who are potential partners on a daily basis. However Non Western cultures are the opposite, they do not have many urban centres and have a small geographical mobility, mean that they have less opportunity to meet new people. Meeting new people/ potential partners is usually due to family or economics. In some cultures when mobility is reduced arranged marriages make good sense. Studies of divorce rates found that the divorce rate of arranges marries were very low. Other studies of arranged marriages found that there was no difference in marriage satisfaction of women from china in arranged marriages and women in the US, from non-arranged marriages. This shows that although in some cultures arranged marriages are frowned upon, in some cultures that may be the best option. However some cultures, such as China have seen a dramatic drop in the amount of arranged marriages. The number of arranged marriages fell from 70% in 1949 to just 10% in the 1990’s, research also found that the marriage satisfaction of the women in china form non arranged marriages was much higher than the women from arranged marriages. This shows that although in some cultures arranged marriages are the best option, in other they are not.

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Another difference between the two is the fact that Western culture is individualist and collectivist culture is collectivist. Western culture believes that the concern of the individual’s happiness is most important. This means when a person is choosing a partner they should have freedom of choice and could someone that is going to make them the happiest. Whereas in a non-western culture, it is the concern of the groups' happiness that is seen as been the most important. This means that a person forms a relationship with someone based on the interest of the group, most often arranged marriages. Although ...

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