Research that has suggested a link between Stress and Personality.

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Research that has suggested a link between Stress and Personality.

Firstly we ask, what is personality? And we get various definitions, Hollander (1971) defined it as “A sum total of an individual’s characteristics that make him unique.”  Eysenck (1969) defined it as “The more or less stable and enduring organisation of a person’s character, temperament, intellect and physique that determines their unique adjustment to the world.”

All Individuals are unique and differ significantly in their response to a problem or stressor. Some people are born with a character that influences them to higher or lower levels of tolerance towards stress. Your thought reaction to a situation plays a role in determining how stressful a situation is to you. This reaction is characterised by your assessment of the nature, importance and consequences of the event and by your ability to effectively manage or cope with the event. Your emotional responses to a situation are determined by your evaluation of both the situation and your coping abilities, as well as your temperament. For example, if you tell yourself, “I can handle this,” you will have a completely different emotional response or outlook than if you say, “This is terrible, I’m going crazy.” The term personality can be defined as a set of characteristic behaviour’s, attitudes and general temperament that remain reasonably calm and distinguish us as individuals from one another. The idea that personality is linked to disease dates back to the ancient Greeks who believed that physical and mental health were directly affected by issues such as calmness, passion, blood and sadness (Friedman, 1990).  A person’s personality affects how that person experiences the stress. We generally assume that a competitive person may take on more work and can tolerate more stress due to it. However, an aggressive, hostile, person might become angry or upset when facing demanding people or events which can lead to stress. Anxious people might be more stressed at work, or frustrated and dissatisfied when things do not go according to the plan. All these individual characteristics and other issues are vital in explaining how an individual experience’s the stress, including the happening and the evaluation of stressful events, the selection and use of dealing methods, and how the stress impacts the individual’s psychological well-being and health.

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Research carried out by (cardiologists) Friedman and Rosenman in the 1950s on males suffering from cardiac conditions, observed differences in patterns of behaviour of their cardiac patients and differences on how they related to types of cardiac problems. Those patients that were highly competitive, hard driven, ambitious, impatient and aggressive were called type A, those that were more laid back and less driven were called type B and the hard working, conventional, sociable and confrontation avoiding individual was type C. Early research in this model of personality led it to being accepted as a major independent factor in males with heart ...

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