Schizophrenia is a group of psychotic disorders that are characterized by loss of contact with reality.

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Schizophrenia is a group of psychotic disorders that are characterized by loss of contact with reality.  Characteristics may include disturbance of thought processes, such as hallucinations, insertion and delusions (positive symptoms).  A second type involve disturbance of affect, such as withdrawal, apathy and displaying no, or inappropriate emotion (negative symptoms).  Motor disturbances such as catatonia and rocking, and a disturbance in social functioning are also commonly found symptoms.  For diagnosis the criteria are, reduced social functioning and two of the above symptoms, present for 6 months or more.  In extreme cases, disturbance of thought processes or hallucinations, if bizarre enough, would be sufficient alone.

 A distinction was made between type 1, positive/acute functional disorders and type 2, negative/chronic organic disorders.  An alternative classification is used by the DSM-1V, which includes three main subtypes.  These are, paranoid (positive), disorganised ( pos & Neg) and catatonic(motor). The onset of schizophrenia is usually in the late teens or early twenties for men, and in the late twenties for women.  Around one third will have a few acute episodes followed by a full recovery.  Another third will have periodic acute episodes throughout life but lead a relatively normal life during remission, and the remaining will show persistent deterioration towards chronic symptoms. The effects of symptoms may be reduced by drug therapy or spontaneous recovery may occur but there is no known cure to date.

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There is a great deal of evidence supporting a genetic link with this condition.  If this were so, the predisposing gene would be passed down though generations, giving them the same likelihood of developing it. Kendler et al 1985, showed that first degree relatives of those with schizophrenia are 18 times more likely to be affected than the general public.  In a later study within a county of Ireland they found ...

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