Skinner's influences in the development of psychology

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Leigh-Ann Cooke

Discuss at least one way in which Skinner has influenced the development of psychology.

I will be discussing the ways in which Skinner influenced psychology based on his behaviourist theories.

Skinner was a great contributor to psychology and to the behaviourist movement.

Skinner’s influence on psychology is based upon his belief that all topics studied should be directly observable and replicable, therefore consisting of empirical data under controlled laboratory conditions. Behaviour is a good example of this. Skinner also believed in approaching all aspects in a highly scientific way.

Skinner tried to be scientific and collect accurate results through the set out of an experiment that was later named the Skinner box. The Skinner box was a piece of apparatus consisting of a lever and tray. If the lever is lowered, a pellet of food is automatically dropped into the tray for the rat. An automatic recorder is linked electrically to the Skinner box. The paper moves across the pen at a constant speed but when the lever is pressed the pen jolts making a change in the line on the paper. A sequence of lever-presses are shown, this representing the number of times the lever was pressed within a specific time. This allows for a later analysis to be made as the results collected can be easily collated.

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Skinner’s emphasis on objective experimentation encouraged the behaviourists to divert from Wundt’s ideas and theories, as his studies were open to subjective interpretation. Wundt studied consciousness, though conscious thought is not easily to control in an experimental situation or measure. Therefore the behaviourists moved away from his views on introspection as a means of keeping psychology a scientific based discipline.

Skinner believed in determinism which is the idea that behaviour is determined by our environment and we do not choose but many dispute Skinner’s belief in determinism and S-R psychology, due to the extensive range of behavioural ...

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