Natalie Plummer        Page         10/05/2007

Key Assessment Task

Social Psychology (12.1)

  1. Outline two psychological processes that may be involved in obedience to authority.

Obedience is the following of someone else’s instructions or orders to do something. The instructions are usually from someone who has authority such as a parent or teacher. Milgram proposed the agentic state theory; this is where we act as an agent of someone who has authority, it means that we find it easy to deny personal responsibility for our actions because we have just been following orders or doing our job. In 1950 Adorno expressed his beliefs that personality was a better explanation of obedience. Adorno believed that some people have an ‘Authoritarian Personality’, this means that they are likely to be obedient yet prejudiced. Adorno believed that your childhood experiences play a key role in the growth of an authoritarian personality. Individuals with this type of personality often have certain characteristics such as; rigid beliefs in conventional values, general opposition to other groups, discrimination to uncertainty or vagueness and obedient attitudes to authority figures.  

  1. Outline the findings of one study of minority influence and give one criticism of this study.

Moscovici undertook a study of minority influence in 1969. He wanted to find out whether a minority could influence a majority of naïve participants, reversing the usual direction of social influence. Moscovici found that 32% of the majority conformed at least once, showing a yielding to minority influence. However Moscovici focused on the difference between the majority and the minority. In everyday life, the difference is more complicated, as minorities typically have less power and status than majorities which is probably the reason why minorities rarely succeed in the real world.

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  1. Briefly outline some of the procedures used in social influence research (theories and/or studies) and evaluate whether these processes are ethical.

Social influence has been investigated by a large number of psychologists such as Asch, Zimbardo and Milgram. There have been many issues raised by other psychologists as to whether the procedures that they used were ethically questionable. This means that the research wasn’t carried out in an ethical way and so they have caused themselves much criticism.                                                                In 1951 Solomon Asch tried to find out if people would conform in highly unambiguous situations. Asch did this by setting up ...

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