Summary table of definitions of psychological abnormality.

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Summary table of definitions of psychological abnormality Definition of abnormalityOutline of definitionLimitations of this definitionStatistical infrequencyDefinition: According to this definition, any behaviour, which lies outside the statistical average, is abnormal. So behaviour, which occurs frequently, is defined as normal, and behaviour, which occurs frequently, is defined as abnormal.For example: A non-psychological example would be shoe size. Shoe manufacturers need an idea of what the range of shoe size is in order to determine how many of each size to make. If data is collected from a very large group of people, one can draw a NORMAL DISTRIBUTION CURVE. For example, if one collected data on the eating patterns of the GB population using calories consumption per day, the majority of people’s eating behaviour would fall with in a normal range. People with anorexia or with compulsive eating problems would fall outside this range, and therefore be defined as “abnormal”. The same could be done for depression, phobias etc.1. Problem of desirability - According to this definition, behaviour that lies at
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both ends of the normal distribution curve is considered abnormal. To be useful, this should then give us an idea of who needs help and treatment. However, a limitation of this definition is that abnormality as one end of the curve may well be problematic and undesirable and suggest help is needed, but abnormality at the other end may be desirable and not need treatment. 2. Problem of accurate statistics – This definition can only be used once accurate statistical about the behaviour have been collected. It is easy to collect statistics on objective things such as waist measurements, but ...

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