The aim of this report is to examine the themes and characteristics of the curriculum framework for children 3 to 5 and evaluate its effectiveness in meeting the needs of children. The first section of this report

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           Introduction to the Early Years Curriculum        5/10/2007


Curriculum Framework For Children 3 to 5


Thank you to all who helped at the local nursery.

(See Appendices)

List of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Curriculum Framework for Children 3 to 5

Aims and Objectives



Process of Learning

3. Evaluation

4. Conclusion and Recommendation

5. References

Course notes


6. Appendices

Appendix A

Appendix B

1. Introduction


  The aim of this report is to examine the themes and characteristics of the curriculum framework for children 3 to 5 and evaluate its effectiveness in meeting the needs of children. The first section of this report is the aims and objectives of the curriculum framework and the second section is the content of the curriculum framework, which looks in more detail at the development of children and how to implement the curriculum. The third section is the context of the curriculum and it involves the environmental and interpersonal contexts as well as the hidden curriculum and explains the importance of them. The final section looks at how practitioners plan and implement the curriculum framework into the nursery setting. Each of the sections will now be looked at in turn in more detail.

2. Curriculum Framework for Children 3 to 5

Aims and Objectives


  There are three key words used in the aims for the curriculum framework for children 3 to 5 they are promote, provide and encourage. The curriculum framework aims to create a setting where children feel happy and secure in a safe and stimulating environment and encourage the development of children in all areas of development, which includes physical, intellectual, language, emotional, social and creative development. For staff to promote the welfare of the children in their care. To encourage children to be positive about themselves and their capabilities and to build up their self-confidence. Encourage children to respect; appreciate other people and their environment. Provide opportunities for exploration and to stimulate interest and imagination. Broaden children’s abilities to express their ideas and feelings through a variety of mediums. (The Scottish Office, 1999)

  To accomplish these aims it is also important to take into account the ways in which staff value each child for their own individual personality and ability in partnership with parents/ carers, an egalitarian society in their community and the importance of life-long learning. To have the best education for each and every child you need to have the best interests of the children at the forefront, to emphasise the importance of interaction with others and take into consideration the different ways in which children learn.

(The Scottish Office, 1999)

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  “  The key aspects of children’s development and learning are:

  • Emotional, social and personal development
  • Communication and language
  • Knowledge and understanding of the world
  • Expressive and aesthetic development
  • Physical development and movement  ”    (The Scottish Office, 1999)

  The curriculum framework covers all aspects of the development of children, which is vital because early childhood is a time of fast physical and intellectual development. All the areas of development are inter-related so if one is affected they all are this is what makes having a curriculum framework that covers ...

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