The development of attachment can be described in 4 stages proposed by Schaffer and Emerson (1964).

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Psychology – Development of Attachments

2a) Outline the development of attachment

The development of attachment can be described in 4 stages proposed by Schaffer and Emerson (1964).

The first is the asocial stage (1st 6 weeks), and in this stage, any form of emotional behaviour isn’t directed at anyone in particular, for example crying. The second stage is known as the indiscriminate attachments (6 weeks–7 months) where the infant is content with attention from different people. The following stage, specific attachments, is from 7 – 11 months and is where the infant not only forms attachments with others but also forms a particularly strong one to one individual.

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The final stage, multiple attachments, is 11 months onward and is where other close attachments are formed (e.g. With grandmother) after the first main strong one.

b) Describe findings and conclusions of one research study that investigated cross cultural variations in attachments

Sagi et al carried out a study that investigated cross-cultural variations in attachments. They found that 71% American infants showed secure attachments, 12% showed anxious and resistant attachment and 17% were found to be anxious and avoidant.

They compared American infants with infants from other cultures. Of Israeli infants, they found 62% of them ...

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