The Effects of ADHD

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According to barkley 1981, hyperactivity is the developmental disorder of age appropriate attention span, restlessness and rule governed behaviour that develops in late infancy or early childhood before 6 years of age. It is pervasive in nature and is not accounted by neological, sensory, motor impairment and severe emotional disturbances. According to himshaw 1995, children with adhd have difficulties getting along with peers. Whalen 1985 emphasised that they know socially correct actions hypothetically but not in real life situations. According to barkley 1990, 15-30% have learning difficulties with maths, reading and spelling.

The DSM IV lists three subtypes of adhd. Predominantly inattentive type, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type and the combined type; which the majority of children have.

According to anna Richards 2003, those with the inattentive type also known as add tend to do a great deal of day dreaming. Add doesn’t include hyperactivity therefore, these children go unnoticed. These children are at risk of their needs being completely ignored.  The vast majority to suffer from this type are females. To diagnose this type of adhd, 6 symptoms of inattentive have to persist for 6 months and must be inconsistent with developmental level. According Barkley 1992, they have difficulties with focused attentions. According to tannock 1998, pet scans show a problem in the frontal area of the brain.

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in the hyperactive impulsive type, there must be 4 symptoms of hyperactive impulsivity for 6 months. In order to diagnose the combined type, 6 or more symptoms of inattentive and 6 or more symptoms of hyperactivity impulsivity must be persisted for 6 months or more. According to faranone 1998, they are likely to develop conduct problems, attend special education classes and have poor social skills. According to barkley 1989, they are 3-6 time more in males than in females.

The prevalence rate varies between 2-7% in USA, Germany and New Zealand but the rate is higher in india and china.


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