"The First Minister of the Scottish Parliament has recently recommended that schools teach pupils in sets - What does research tell us about the advantages and disadvantages of such an approach?"

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“The First Minister of the Scottish Parliament has recently recommended that schools teach pupils in sets.  What does research tell us about the advantages and disadvantages of such an approach?”

Over the last century different techniques have been used to organise children within schools according to what the public and government asked for and needed.  For example “after the Second World War the number and size of schools increased, the tripartite system of secondary education was introduced and there was increased competition for grammar school places” Sukhnandan and Lee (1998 pg.13).  There was a drive for excellence and the 11 plus exam leant itself easily to the administration of streaming.  However during the 1960’s research was carried out that suggested streaming had negative social consequences for pupils, which could have been the catalyst for the shift of emphasis from excellence to equality.  This resulted in a shift from streaming to mixed ability teaching that continued throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s.  Ability grouping, in the form of setting and within class grouping, was sometimes used in higher year groups for linear subjects such as maths, science and modern languages but mixed ability was the main grouping method.  

The essay question implies that again there has been a shift, this time to setting.  Boaler et al (1998) seems to imply that pressures from the government are to blame for this move; suggesting research (Gewirtz, Ball & Bowe, 1993 cited in Boaler et al 1998) indicates some teachers regard the curriculum set out in the 1988 Education Reform Act as incompatible with mixed ability teaching implying that they have no choice.  Today’s Governments seem to be increasingly interested in achieving goals and raising standards, even if this means children missing out on the social advantages of mixed ability grouping.  Setting seems to reinforce social divisions, as there are a higher proportion of boys, children of lower socio-economic status, children born in the summer and those of ethnic minority backgrounds in the lower sets (Boaler, 1997a, 1997b. Oakes, 1982. Sutton, 1966. Cited in Sukhnandan and Lee, 1998.) whereas children in mixed ability classes tend to come from a range of different backgrounds.  I find this quite extraordinary, as the Scottish Parliament has recently spent millions on an anti-racism campaign.  Surely segregating the children, albeit unintentionally, will undermine the message sent out by this campaign?

There are five main ways of organising pupils into groups to be taught.

  • Streaming is the allocation of pupils to classes on the basis of their general ability.  Pupils will remain in their streamed class for most of their subjects.  Children are assessed prior to this allocation using teacher assessments and intelligence tests.
  • Broad banding is where the year group is divided into several bands by general ability; the classes within these bands are mixed ability classes.  
  • Within-class grouping is where children are allocated to a particular group within a mixed ability class.  
  • Mixed ability groups contain pupils of varying levels of ability.  The range of ability within a class depends on the school’s catchment area and what level of ability the school provides.  
  • Setting is the allocation of pupils to groups according to their ability in a particular subject.  It’s flexible in the sense that a child can be in a high set for Science and a lower set for Maths for example.  Allocation is made according to a child’s achievement in particular subjects rather than their general intelligence.            
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The essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages research has told us concerning setting.  It will begin with the discussion of the effect of teacher’s attitudes and expectations of the set that they are teaching.  It will then discuss the limitations pupils face by being placed in sets.  It will discuss the social gap created by teaching children in sets.  It will also discuss the advantages to the teacher of teaching children in sets and the advantages to the pupils.  The essay compares setting to mixed ability teaching on several occasions this is because mixed ability teaching was the technique ...

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