The hypothesis that this investigation will be testing is that women will remember more items than the men.

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The hypothesis that this investigation will be testing is that women will remember more items than the men.

This particular experiment has been chosen, as there is personal interest involved. This topic is often debated at home. It is also interesting to find out what particular items men and women would remember.

Extended Investigation Hypothesis

The second hypothesis that this investigation will be testing is that younger people will remember more items than the older people.


Sample Chosen

The sample size chosen for this investigation was 50. It was decided that this would be sufficient for this level of study as it is only intended to obtain a general understanding of memory capability.

The sample that has been chosen for this investigation was a convenience sample. It was a convenience sample as the method of obtaining respondents was by opportunity (knocking on peoples doors). 25 male and 25 female friends, family, neighbours and work colleagues were chosen. Within each group of 25 there were 5 men and 5 women of the following age groups: 20 –30, 31-40, 41-49, 50 – 59, and 60 plus.

This sample was appropriate to this investigation, as it would have proven difficult to conduct the memory game in any other sample type. Other sample types were eliminated for the following reasons:

  • Random sampling- this is usually conducted in public places such as outside a supermarket and it would difficult to display the items without a table.

  • Systematic sampling -Would need a large population to choose from and have not have enough friends, family, etc to select every 20th person (for example).

Method of Experiment

The method used for collecting primary data was by conducting an experiment.

The experiment was based on a memory game. 16 different items were placed on a table or on the floor and the respondents were given 30 seconds to look at the items.

The items were then covered with a cloth and the respondents were given a response sheet to list the as many items they could remember in two minutes. There were also two short questions on the bottom of the response sheet that asked the respondents their gender and their age group. The respondents were asked to specify an age group as it is not as offensive as asking someone their exact age.

The data being collected in this study was both qualitative and quantitative. The 16 items that were used in the memory game would be used as qualitative data as they can be described in words such as hairbrush, pen, and apple. This information will be useful when finding out what was the most popular item remembered by men/women. They could also be grouped together to find relationships/correlations between items. When calculating the total amount of items remembered by men and women and when comparing age groups quantitative data is required. This is because it needs to be measured in a numerical format. The variables in this investigation are discrete as they can only take certain values. Item names or the amount of items remembered are not continuous variables such as height or temperature.

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The memory game was conducted on either a one on one basis or in small groups of two or three. It was usually in the respondent’s home as it was more convenient for them this way.

The items used were varied in nature so that the experiment would be fair. There were items that men and women would recognise easily. The items were also selected to be familiar with people across different age groups such as a pen, packet of crisps, hairbrush, and an apple. A full list of the items is given in table 1. It ...

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