The Multi Store Memory has been criticised for being a passive/one way/linear model, what does this mean and do you agree?

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Amy Van Schalkwyk                Psychology: Essay                                                                         

“The Multi Store Memory has been criticised for being a passive/one way/linear model”

 What Does This Mean and Do You Agree?

 Atkinson and Shirffin (1968) claimed that the memory system was made up of three distinct stores, sensory memory, STM and LTM. They believed that if a person’s attention is focused on material in the sensory memory this would then be transferred to the STM. They also proposed that information from the STM is transported to the LTM by a process of ‘rehearsal’. They found a direct link between STM and LTM and proposed that the more information is rehearsed the better it is remembered.

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However there is much research which contradicts this idea of the multi store memory and many criticisms have been thrown at it. It has been criticised as being a passive, one way, and linear model. In other words it is implying that the Multi Store Memory (MSM) is an over simplistic representation of the brain which only works in a one way system from sensory memory to STM and with rehearsal to the LTM. Atkinson and Shriffin also proposed that rehearsal is the only method in which information is transferred to the LTM. Despite this there has been evidence of ...

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