The Sociology of Behaviour in Golf Clubs

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The Sociology of Behaviour in Golf Clubs

Research topic

My research topic is on the experiences of people in golf clubs. I looked at people's behaviour on the golf course and in the club bar. I studied their conversation topics and patterns and their attitudes towards playing 'well' or 'badly'. I also looked at their perceptions and views about other players. I also explored the themes such as gender, class and racism that were raised in my literature review. I saw if these correlated with my own research and whether new themes arose. I felt qualitative research was the most suitable methodology for my research.

Research Questions

Qualitative research involves formulating questions to be explored and developed in the research process, rather than hypotheses to be tested by or against empirical research (Mason, 1996:15). Research questions are questions, which the research is designed to address and should express the essence of the enquiry. In my study the questions I set out to address were:

* What are peoples experiences of golf clubs?

* Who are members of golf clubs?

* Are their experiences effected by gender? By class?

* What way do they behave on golf courses?

* What way do they behave in club bars?

* What do they talk about? Are their conversation topics and patterns different on the golf course to the club bar?

* What kinds of ideas, norms and beliefs operate in golf clubs? Are their any 'unwritten rules'?

My research questions were open enough to allow for a large degree of exploratory enquiry and they allowed me to generate further questions at a later stage.

Qualitative research

Qualitative research is a relatively new method of sociological research and has developed from the Interpretative Social Science approach in the last 40 years. Its emphasis is on the meanings and motivations people often attach to behaviour. Qualitative research is based on a naturalistic enquiry and it examines people in their own natural setting. It is also grounded on inductive analysis i.e. it is hypothesis generating (Silverman, 1993:21). The questions come out of the data. Preconceptions regarding the topic or research are abandoned and ideas are only formed once the data is obtained. An importance is placed on fieldwork with a concentration on the mundane. Also in qualitative research issues regarding ethics are to the forefront and there is also recognition that as a researcher it is impossible to be entirely impartial (McCracken, 1988:18).
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Qualitative research is rigorous yet flexible and contextual. It is concerned with collecting and analysing information with the focus on exploring, in as much detail as possible, small instances which are interesting and aims to achieve 'depth' rather than 'breath' (Blaxter, Hughes & Tight, 1996:60). I feel that using qualitative methods helped get a truer sense of golf clubs, as the contexts of inquiry are not contrived. They are natural and therefore nothing can be presumed or taken for granted. Also, as a qualitative study, my analysis was ongoing and involved an appraisal by me, as researcher, of ...

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