What are heuristics? How do they help us make decisions or solve problems? How do they hinder decision making and problem solving? What does the study of heuristics tell us about how our mind works?

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By Jack Quinn.

What are heuristics? How do they help us make decisions or solve problems? How do they hinder decision making and problem solving? What does the study of heuristics tell us about how our mind works?

The nature of heuristics and the role that they play in the interpretation and explanation of human behaviour can not be overlooked in the study of cognitive psychology. Heuristics, put in simple terms, can be recognised and defined as shortcuts employed by humans to draw up potential solutions to a task, or problem at the beginning of the problem and are widely recognised as highly effective, remarkably good methods for making spontaneous and rapid decisions or judgements even under heavy time constraints. As for how they can be considered as either helpful or as a hindrance in the decision making process and in problem solving, there are obvious implications from the very nature of the concept of heuristics, such as the time saving and convenience of such shortcuts and the possible drawback of making rash decisions and eliminating potentially viable means to come to a solution because of a lack of information or inexperience in that area. Based on the definition of what heuristics are, there are a variety of different conclusions that you could come to in regards to what they tell us about how our mind works. In this essay we shall attempt to identify what conclusions can be made about how our mind works when considering the effects that heuristics have.

Before we can explore the implications of heuristics we first have to define what the term actually means. The concept of heuristics means the formulating of a hypothetical solution to an impending problem prior to beginning investigating the actual problem itself. This hypothetical solution will then serve to guide the course of the investigation of the problem, allowing itself to be modified or altered as new information is uncovered. Heuristics serve to streamline the number of possible solutions and increase the plausibility of those possible solutions.

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A more simple definition of what an heuristic is would be that they are shortcuts that allow for fast and reliable decision making drawing from all information that is already available. This helps us vastly reduce the number of potential solutions in an instant, by processing out irrelevant information and leaving only information that is relevant to the task being dealt with.

There are also different types of heuristic to consider. First there is the recurrence heuristic. This helps us to make judgements based on our own experiences in the past in similar scenarios, making us assume a ...

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