What is meant by the psychodynamic model of abnormality?

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What is meant by the psychodynamic model of abnormality? The psychodynamic model of abnormality suggests that all our behaviour and feelings as adults are rooted in our childhood experiences, and that mental illness does not have a physical origin, instead it arises form unresolved unconscious conflicts which form in early childhood. This model also suggests our Relationships help to determined how we feel and behave. Information can be obtained from dream analysis, hypnosis and free association. This model suggests that the personality is made up of three distinct
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structures: id, ego and super ego and that suffering trauma can lead to the mind putting in place defence mechanisms to protect the ego such as projection, denial, repression and displacement. Children develop through a series of fixed stages: oral, anal and phallic, latency and genital. Kendler et al did a study and found evidence to support the model; that separation in childhood can cause problems in later life. However this evidence is not conclusive as it is not apparent for all separation in childhood. Kendler et al studied adult female twins who had suffered parental loss through separation in ...

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