What was it REALLY liketo work in a cotton factory?

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The Cotton Mill workhouse was an appalling place to work.  The  word ‘workhouse’ sent a shudder through any honest 19th century worker.  The conditions in the mill were dreadful, just thinking about anybody working there, brought a shiver down my spine.  To work in the ‘repressive, soul-destroying workhouse’, was like having their mother murdered on the day they turn twenty-one (in my opinion).  

Conditions in the cotton mill was of very poor standard compared to today’s specified conditions.  But to the standard of the year prior 1800 and beyond it is fairly usual.  

There would be rooms withy masses full of dust floating about (from the cotton itself).  This would trigger sickness and ill health. The windows were generally shut, perhaps always, making the atmospheric humidity level rise.


During their time of work the children were treated badly.  Most of the punishments arose because the children were tired.  If a child was tired, the overseer would tap the child on the shoulder, say ‘come here’ and take him into the corner of the room where a tank of cold water stood.  The overseer would grab the child  by their legs and dunk him in the water.  Another was, when the children got tired they were unable to work hard so they got beaten and strapped.  The parents of the child did not dare complain to the overseer for fear of the child losing their job and therefore valuable income.  The people who carried out these punishments were the overseers.

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The rules of the factory were very strict, the overseers were there to ensure that all the rules were followed.  Examples of some of the rules are;

  1. 30 minutes for breakfast
  2.  40 minutes for dinner
  3.  Arrive on time
  4.  Do not leave early
  5. No arguing with the overseer about rules.

Health and Safety

Cotton factories were in many instances very dangerous places to work.  There could at times be very severe accidents and at other times more minor issues.  One example of a major accident is being pulled into one of the spinning machines ...

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