Whistleblowing, The Problems and the Issue.

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The Problems and the Issue


Whistleblowing is a very hot topic in ethical behaviour. It not only has a strong influences on the whistleblowers but also on the organizations. It caused some problems for both of them,too. And there is also an issue relevanting to it a valid method to control unethical behaviour and to establish a level of social responsibility.

This essay will describe some conceptions of whistleblowing and then some problems associated with whistleblowing for whistleblowers and the organizations. The second part will focus on the argument of it as a valid method to control unethical behaviour and to establish a level of social responsibility.

Conceptions of whistleblowing

Whistleblowing, generally, means speaking out in a wasteful, harmful and illegal act to the public (Schermerhorn, el, 2004). Most attention, though, is focused on a narrower range of behaviours. A typical whistleblower is an employee in a government department or private corporation who makes a formal complaint about misdeeds of the employer (Martin, 1999, a).          

Strictly speaking, there are also some specific conceptions of whistleblowing defined by researcher in this filed.  

William defines a whistleblower as "a concerned citizen, totally or predominantly motivated by notions of public interest, who initiates of her or his own free will, an open disclosure about significant wrongdoing directly perceived in a particular occupational role, to a person or agency capable of investigating the complaint and facilitating the correction of wrongdoing."(1995) Another is "the disclosure by organization members (former or current) of illegal, immoral or illegitimate practices under the control of their employers, to persons or organizations that may be able to effect action."(Near & Miceli, 1995) Well, Another is the "unauthorized disclosure of information that an employee reasonably believes is evidence of the contravention of any law, rule or regulation, code of practice, or professional statement, or that involves mismanagement, corruption, abuse of authority, or danger to public or worker health and safety."(Vinten, 1994)

In summary, the whistleblower can be seen as an employee exposing the wrongdoing of his or her employer. However, there are still a lot of problems that addressing.

Problems on whistleblowers

Firstly, whistleblowers are often prone to be attacked. The power of the organization is turned against them physically and psychologically, which includes tension between by colleagues, spreading of rumours, formal reprimands, transfer to positions with no work or too much work, demotion, dismissal and blacklisting (Martin, 1999, a).

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Secondly, they cannot gain trust from others. Usually, whistleblowers are hard working and conscientious employees. When they see something wrong, they speak out in the expectation that their complaint will be treated seriously. However, in most cases, neither the employers nor the public will trust them in the beginning. Nevertheless, many whistleblowers believe that someone, somewhere or sometimes will provide justice. Without such a believe, it would be difficult to persevere several years or even decades (Martin, 1999, a). However, there are other means of distrust, they cannot gain trust by their new employers if they go to a ...

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