Why do sources A to F differ in their attitudes to the evacuation of children?

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Why do sources A to F differ in their attitudes to the evacuation of children?

Explain your answer using the sources and knowledge from your studies

Source A shows a photograph, taken in September 1939 showing a number of evacuees heading to the train station being guided by a teacher. The war had just began and the government wanted to ensure that the children got out of the large, industrial areas before the bombing started. It is difficult, yet possible to distinguish in the photo that the children are in fact smiling and quite possibly laughing. They seem anxious and excited as they wave to the camera. The photograph is totally accurate and therefore contradicts    ‘Source B’, an interview with a teacher who was there at the time of evacuation. The interview was taken in 1988, 50 years after the war; this means that the teacher by this time was very old.

        “All you could hear was the feet of the children and a kind of murmur, because the children were too afraid to talk.” This does not match the image given when one looks at the picture used for ‘Source A’. This may be due to the two sources being set at different times; we know that ‘Source A’ was taken in September 1939. However we cannot tell from  ‘Source B’ the particular time that the teacher is referring to. It is very possible that children became more fearful and their excitement vanished further into the war and the bombs started dropping.

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        Yet there is another explanation for the difference between sources A and B. it is possible that the photograph used for ‘Source A’ was taken for propaganda uses, for example: To make evacuation seem like a good thing. Much like that of ‘Source D’, an advertisement issued by the government in 1940 in appeal for more people in Scotland to provide homes for evacuee children. The use of propaganda is very evident, with the smiling faces of the children and quotes such as

        “You will be doing a real service for the nation. You may be saving a child’s life.” ...

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