With Reference to at least two other poems, compare and contrast the writers attitudes to ‘education.

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With Reference to at least two other poems,

 compare and contrast the writers attitudes to ‘education.’

 Examine the ways in which these attitudes are presented

‘Schoolroom on a wet afternoon’ wrote by Vernon Scannel appears to have written this poem partially upon his own memories of school life but also how he sees education and its problems. He puts the reader in a sort of ‘fly on the wall’ position, and sets the mood from the very start. ‘The unrelated paragraphs of morning’ which immediately the word unrelated suggests that not only morning was a long time ago but that it was unimportant, almost as if its in the past so it is not related to the now. The use of ‘paragraphs purely suggests the breaks between lessons. The overall mood of the poem is dreary and miserable as suggested by words such as ‘bereaved’ and ‘doomed innocence’. ‘lachrymose pane’ suggests that the windows are crying but why are the windows crying? Is it purely because of the rain or is it to do with the torture that the children in the classroom have to endure. As would be backed up from the quotation ‘is it their doomed innocence noon weeps for?’ This suggests that it is raining because the children have no real future and are too manufactured i.e. too disciplined.

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One important thing to note in this poem is the use of rhyme. For example in the second stanza there is a rhyme made up of ‘concentration’, ‘supplication’ and ‘resignation’ These words are very hard hitting and are in a perfect rhyme which intensifies the mood of the poem. Its suggesting that the children are almost being forced to work and endure education, they are basically just doing as they are told. The regularity of rhyme and rhythm suggests boredom. Throughout the poem there are various examples that suggest the writer believes that the children are in a way ‘doomed’ ...

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